Screen printing on glass courses.

Weekday & weekend availability in 2024

Delivering first class tuition to individuals and renowned institutions like The York Glaziers Trust, The Stained Glass Museum, Ely.

I have had the privilege of collaborating with many talented artists, helping them in bringing their creative visions to life through the medium of printed glass.

Currently I offer the following courses and services opened to all whatever your experience.

  • Onsite 2 day Course

  • Online 1-1 Tuition & Kit

  • Silver Stain and Copper Stain

  • Glass print Master Class

  • 1-1 Photoshop Online Tuition

  • Screen Prep Service

  • Screen printing kits and materials

“A huge thank you for helping me to win the Stevens Architectural Glass competition this year! I attended one of your magical courses last autumn and in the end I used screen printing for my design”

Cathy Lee @gold_n_glassy

Two day comprehensive course : Screen Printing on glass

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Discover the exciting possibilities of creating your very own hand-pulled, silk screen printed images on glass. Choose from weekday or weekend classes to fit your schedule, with openings available in 2023. Check out the link below to secure your spot.

Here's what Issy from Labyrinth Stained Glass had to say about the experience: "This has been the most valuable course I've ever taken!"

Join us in our professional stained glass studio, nestled in the picturesque village green, and experience the one-of-a-kind fusion of print and stained glass techniques. No prior knowledge of glass or print is necessary – I'll guide you every step of the way as you create stunning pieces of art that will make perfect gifts for your loved ones.

Experience two unforgettable days with Jim as your tutor, where you'll learn plenty while enjoying beautiful surroundings, great company, and delight in your finished screen-printed glass images.

Annie White, Glass artist: "Inspiring days, wonderful results."

Jane Vincent, Glass artist from Abbey Rise Studio: "One of the most rewarding courses in a long time."

This two-day course provides a thorough introduction to screen printing on glass using kiln-fired enamels and paints. In a comfortable setting, process your own images, coat screens with photosensitive emulsion, and master screen-printing techniques with traditional stained glass enamels and paints.

Upon booking, I'll contact you for image selection and help you choose the perfect visuals for your studio time. The course covers all materials, equipment, and a variety of colored enamels. Clear glass is provided, and hand-made, mouth-blown colored glass is available at cost price.

Expect to create 10-12 gorgeous glass-printed images, with kiln firing service included.

£367 for two days (9:30 am to 4 pm), including all equipment, materials, and light refreshments.

The course is limited student numbers to 5 to ensure plenty of 1-1 tuition and no prior glass or print experience needed.

2024 spots are open now. If you can't find a suitable date, email us, and we'll work it out.

Click on this link.

Mobile : 07960714268


Online Course: Screen Printing on Glass


I am thrilled to present an exclusive one-to-one online course that will have you skilfully printing your images on coloured glass


Your art & photos on coloured glass

This exceptional value package includes all materials, equipment, personalized instruction, step-by-step videos, and ongoing support to complete your project. You'll have the opportunity to print up to four unique images on colored glass.

Free worldwide shipping!

Alvaro Maury from Florida, USA, shares: "I've thoroughly enjoyed your course - it's highly professional and well-presented."

This tailor-made course is designed to guide you in completing a project where you print your chosen images on colored glass. Ideal for artistic ventures or creating personalized gifts, your kit also includes display stands and fixings to showcase your finished masterpiece.

Embark on a personalized journey starting with a Zoom video call, where we'll collaborate on preparing your images for printing. Next, you'll receive a package containing a high-quality aluminum framed screen with your images ready to go, along with all necessary equipment and materials.

Over the following six weeks, you'll have access to a series of clear, easy-to-follow videos guiding you through each step. If you need more time, no problem!

We'll wrap up the course with another Zoom call to review your work and provide ongoing support to help you continue your screen printing journey on glass. Plus, you'll gain lasting access to a well-supported community group where you can exchange ideas, receive feedback, and seek advice anytime.

No kiln? No worries! Add my kiln firing service to your booking. Start the course whenever it's convenient for you.

Beginners are more than welcome!